Farmer City Christmas Parade
Sunday November 24, 2024
The 2023 Farmer City Christmas Parade was a huge success! With 116 floats, it was one of the largest Christmas parades in Central Illinois including marching bands, holiday floats, antique cars and tractors, Shrine groups, and much more!
Check out the pictures below of the 2023 photos and come back this year to help usher the holidays into Farmer City and Central Illinois at one of the best holiday events in central Illinois! Always the Sunday before Thanksgiving at 2 pm Central Time!
Check out the Farmer City Christmas Parade on Facebook for more details.
Contact Chad Wills with any questions at cmwills3@frontier.com or 309-386-2791.
The 2023 Christmas Parade

Meet your 2023 Grand Marshalls!
Mike & Jean Johanns!
We are very excited to formally announce that the grand marshals for the 2023 Farmer City Christmas Parade are Mike and Jean Johanns!
Mike Johanns started his career in the insurance industry by joining Bob Smith and Matt Johanns at Smith-Johanns Inc. in 1976 upon graduation from Western Illinois University. Mike is currently semi-retired. Mike greatly enjoyed working with the Jaycees, assisting with the Haunted Houses, 5K Race, Christmas Parade and establishing scholarships for students. Mike served many years as President of the Farmer City Chamber of Commerce. He enjoyed golfing at Woodlawn Country Club and served on many committees.
Jean began her banking career in January, 1976 as a teller. For the succeeding 47 years she has had many roles, including Operations Officer, Trust Officer and Wealth Advisor. Early on, Jean served on the Farmer City Fair Queen Committee for about 20 years. She also was active in Jayshees (later known as Civic Women in Action) and served on the Board of Woodlawn Country Club, as well as the Board of Directors the Farmer City Chamber of Commerce for many years. Currently she is active with the Shakespeare Club, Farmer City Library Association, and a member of the Parish Counsel at Sacred Heart Church.
Mike and Jean have one daughter, Andrea, and 2 granddaughters, Abby and Nora.
Please join us in congratulating Mike and Jean, and come out to see them at the front of the Christmas Parade on Sunday, November 19th at 2 pm on Main Street in Farmer City!
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The One and Only
Farmer City is called the One and Only because its the only town in the United States with that name, but our Christmas Parade lives up to the name just as much! If you don't believe us, come watch for yourself and ring the holiday season in right!
Marching Bands
Everyone comes out to celebrate! With over 100 floats every year, there's something for everyone! Check out the amazing Blue Ridge High School Marching Band as they played the National Anthem!
We're pretty humble so when we say we have THE Santa Clause in the Farmer City Christmas Parade, you know we've got the connections! Come out and see him along with all the other amazing floats for one of the most amazing Christmas Parades in the area!
A Very Special Thank You!
The Farmer City Christmas Parade wouldn't be possible without our generous supporters! Every year these supporters are there to support our community in the biggest of ways.
To these Sponsors, the Parade participants, and our Parade Coordinator Chad Wills, thank you for continuing to show how amazingly generous our little community can be!
The Thomas Frasier Clark Foundation
A not for profit foundation offering grants and scholarships for the betterment of Farmer City.
Farmer City, Illinois, is a delightful, rural town located in DeWitt County.