Our Mission
The Farmer City Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)(6) organization dedicated to adding value to ,its members' businesses, as well as residents of Farmer City, by bringing people together to support local business, educational, social and community activities. In the process we hope to create positive outcomes for all local businesses, as well as to stimulate community growth initiatives for all of Farmer City.
Where We Serve
The Farmer City Chamber of Commerce focuses it's efforts here inside of Farmer City, however many of our members are located in Clinton, Champaign, Gibson City, and other neighboring communities! The Farmer City Chamber of Commerce also have a representative on the Board of Directors for the Dewitt County Development Counsel. The Chamber is primarily financed by the investment of its members who realize that they can accomplish collectively, through this association, what no one of us can do individually.
Who We Are
Our membership is comprised of businesses, organizations and individuals motivated to join a well-coordinated effort to improve the areas where we live and work. Chamber resources and expertise assist new businesses in their start-up efforts while helping existing businesses develop even further.
Special Events
Many of our special events are steeped in tradition and proudly provided to the community we serve through the generosity of our members. We offer annual events such as the One And Only 5K, City Wide Yard Sales, The Haunted Forest, Trunk or Treat, and the Christmas Parade just to name a few. We also host an Annual Dinner where we recognize a Citizen of the Year Award as well as a Blue Ridge Faculty/Staff of the Year Award, and a Student of the Year Award. Do you have an idea for an event or fundraiser that would benefit our community? We would love to hear about it!
Agribusiness Economy
Our area has a strong agricultural component, bordered by farm fields featuring some of the best farm ground in the world creating a vibrant agribusiness economy. Agriculture is the economic sector that employs the most people in the world, and the main source of food and income for many people in our great nation. Many of our members are part of the agribusiness economy and their continued success is paramount for us all.
Working Together
We look forward to working with, and for, you for many years to come. We appreciate your support! Without our members, we wouldn’t be where we are. Working together is success! Our monthly Chamber Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00am at the Farmers Cafe. You can come hear all about everything we're working on in our community and while you're there, you can talk to the Board of Directors about how the Chamber can benefit you by joining! Individuals can join the Chamber as well, we're always looking for others who love this community as much as we do. Join us for our next meeting and see what we're doing!